Best time and season to visit the valley of flowers - bursting the common myths
Oct 08, 2023 By Juliana Daniel

Many of us are struggling with work-life balance. We usually spend our whole year planning to visit this area or that. This time, I am bringing deep insights into a beautiful place to give your soul a never-ending bliss.

"Valley of the Flower" is also UNESCO's World Heritage. The Valley, located in India, is famous for nearly 500 varieties of flowers along with wild beasts. This place is nearly a dream come true for those who love birds chirping in vibrant color backgrounds.

As it's the Valley of Flowers, you can't experience the glory of flowers blooming the whole year. You have to choose the perfect season for it. So, this article covered the Best time and season to visit the Valley of Flowers.

Where Is the Valley Of Flowers Located In India?

The Valley of Flowers is located in the Chamoli Garhwal district of Uttarakhand. This Valley is 3600m above sea level. Valley of Flowers is famous worldwide due to its rich Flora and Fauna.

How To Reach The Valley Of Flowers Easily?

No matter if you live in India or come from Europe. The easiest way to reach there is as follows:

  • Sit in a train from the railway station Dehradun.
  • Then book a taxi or bus to Joshimath
  • Now book a private Taxi to Ghangaria.
  • Now it's time for hiking for 2-3 hours.

You will have to buy entry tickets there. For Indians, it only costs 150 rupees. However, for foreigners, you have to pay 650 INR.

What Are The Opening Dates For Valley Of Flowers in 2023?

Remember that from September to 1st June, the Valley of Flowers remains officially closed due to the extreme weather. Moreover, Covid-19 is also one of the misfortunes why this Valley has been closed for so long.

Officials are expecting the highest crowd in 2023. Valley of Flowers will be open From 1st July till 31st September. Many visitors report that Monsoon is the best season to explore this valley. If you're already there or planning to visit it, be sure to enter the Valley at 7:00 am sharp in the morning and return by 5:00 pm evening.

You can enter the park till 2:00 pm. After this time, no one will be allowed to enjoy the exotic beauty there.

Comparison Between Best Time To Visit Valley Of Flowers:

Valley Of Flowers






No Rain

Normal Crowd

Initial summer flowers are blooming.


Heavy rain

Highly Crowded

In the mid of summer when rain hits the valley there are beautiful completely bloomed flowers all around the valley.


Dazzling sometime

Less Crowded

It is the best time for lone wolves

More than half of the flower's varieties begin to fade again due to extreme weather.

What Are The Best Seasons To Visit A Valley Of Flowers?

Valley of Flowers is an utterly botanical garden in Uttrakhand. The Valley remains closed for 8 out of 12 months due to extreme weather.

So, you must be very selective when selecting the time and season to visit the Valley of Flowers. Likewise, not all of us love vibrant colors; few love them, few love white layers of snow over them and very few want to enjoy the heavy rain in Monsoon season.

Valley Of Flowers In Summer:

If I had a chance to describe the beauty of the Valley of Flowers, I would use the words aromatic and spellbinding. In the initial summers, snow melts from the start of July and becomes beautiful streams.

The summer season is also considered due to the biodiverse experience it gives to us. June turns out to be the driest month, although it is the best for trekking and exploring wild beasts. The temperature of the Valley of Flowers in Summer usually lies between 17 to 29 degrees.

The plus and foremost point about visiting the Valley in summer is the bed of roses. Whimsical, enchanting, and captivating flowers are ready to stop your breath for a while. This scene urges you to think if you're in the real world or seeing augmented reality.

Valley Of Flowers On Monsoon:

Raindrops fell from heaven's door and covered the whole Valley completely. Flowers get their food in sufficient amounts and grow rapidly to serve the human eye. Their vibrant colors chase away the gloom. Their petals seem as soft as a lover's touch.

This season is perfect for couples. Don't think twice if you're planning a honeymoon or want to propose your special ones. Open your phone, book two slots, and get your marriage done.

From late July to September, the Valley of Flowers is a carpet of roses—a carpet which is full of lilies, Orchids, and many other blooming petals. You will only believe it once you visit. This place is full of butterflies, wild bears, and leopards. It's not odd to see any of them wandering in the Valley along your tribe.

The temperature of the Valley of Flowers in Monsoon lies at 20 to 26 degrees Celsius. On winding trails, you will find your way via trekking—one of the most famous sports of Valley Of Flowers.

Valley Of Flowers In Winters:

Winters in the Valley of Flowers are meant for lone wolves. Those who want a short escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. All flora and fauna are covered under the white layer of snow in winter. Usually, most visitors don't visit the Valley in winter.

The temperature in winter lies at 6 to 15 degrees centigrade. However, this season is best for adventure enthusiasts who want to go trekking and hiking. After September, the Valley will be officially closed due to extreme temperatures. The winter nights in the Valley are spine-chilling.


The Valley of Flowers is a botanical place located in Uttrakhand, India. Visitors from around the world visit to explore blooming flowers of 500+ species. Monsoon is considered the best season and time to visit the Valley of Flowers due to heavy rainfall, tranquil flowers, and wild beasts.